GGM KITIP24xx-48xx - How to use Input Alarm contacts

Modificato il Ven, 3 Nov, 2023 alle 4:01 PM

How to use Input Alarm contacts ?

Valid for those references :

  • GGM NVRL0104 
  • GGM NVRL0104P
  • GGM NVRL0108P 
  • GGM NVR0208P
  • GGM NVR0216P
  • GGM NVR02168P
  • GGM NVR8
  • GGM NVR16
  • GGM NVR32
  • GGM NVRE0104P
  • GGM NVRE0108P




You can use Input Alarm (Passive Alarm) from the rear Panel and create the scenarios you want.

















Example 1: You want to use Input 1 Alarm and trigger recording Channel 1 only when alarm is normally close 


Example 2: You want to activate a siren with the output Alarm of the recorder as soon as motion detection is active on a camera.



Power Limit MAX DC12V 300mA







           Go to Main Menu, then SETUP then Alarm and IO





  1. Choose the Channel you want (IO-1 means Input Alarm 1, IO-2 means Input Alarm 2…)


  1. Choose IO Status : Normally Open or Normally Close
  2. Latch Time : Choose the activation time of the Input contact
  3. Actions: You can decide to activate one or more actions such as Alarm Output, recording Channels, Full Screen or send Email…



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