GGM KITIP24xx-48xx - Change the Recording Mode

Modificato il Ven, 3 Nov, 2023 alle 4:20 PM

Change the Recording Mode

Valid for those references :

  • GGM NVRL0104 
  • GGM NVRL0104P
  • GGM NVRL0108P 
  • GGM NVR0208P
  • GGM NVR0216P
  • GGM NVR02168P
  • GGM NVR8
  • GGM NVR16
  • GGM NVR32
  • GGM NVRE0104P
  • GGM NVRE0108P



Where and How ?


Go to the Main Menu / SETUP then Record and again Record. Last, Record Schedule.


This menu allows you to specify when the records video and defines the recording mode for each channel. 





The recording schedule lets you set up a schedule like, daily and hourly by normal (continuous) recording, motion Detection, or   I/O alarm.


3 colors are used : 

  • Normal (GREEN) = Continuous Recording
  • Motion (YELLOW) = Motion Detection Recording
  • IO (RED) = Recording from Alarm contacts (I/O Port) 
  • No Color = No Record.

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