How to integrate a GIGAMEDIA camera on a UNIVIEW recorder
(ONVIF Protocol)
Before start :
- What is the ONVIF Protocol : It’s a global standard for the interoperability of IP security products. It allows IP video surveillance products from different brands to be able to communicate each other.
There are different ONVIF Profiles used to retrieve video stream but also for controlling PTZ cameras, using Input/Output alarms, triggering motion detection,…
- You need to add manually you camera
- Make sure that the profile of he camera to integrate is compatible with your recorder
- Also make sure that your camera’s video settings are compatible with your recorder (Maximum resolution, Codec, bandwidth used, …)
- Before starting to add your camera, make sure you know IP address, user/password of your camera and respect the IP range of the other cameras
For this example, we are going to add a GIGAMEDIA camera into a UNIVIEW Recorder.
Graphical User Interface (GUI) for UNIVIEW :
Main Menu then Camera :
Select Camera then Double click on it to modify parameters :
- Mode : plug and play
- Protocol : ONVIF
- Port : 80
- User : admin (by default)
- Password : Password camera (default : admin123.)
Validate and the video stream will appear.
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