Attached are the user manuals for Uniview cameras.
Generic manual for cameras, NVR and software.
EZStation: Uniview's computer VMS software that allows you to add cameras or recorders on a local network and internet via public IP or QR code on a computer, associated with an EZCloud online account or not.
EZCloud : online account for the centralization of access and management of network recorders, allows the reset of the password, the addition of a recorder to a fleet, access sharing, etc.
Does not allow live, playback or recording, EZCloud is only the gateway between the Uniview account and the hardware.
EZView : Mobile application that allows camera viewing and online recording via a NVR or set up storage associated with an EZCloud online account or not.
EZTools: computer software that allows camera search and remote IP or password modification.
Does not allow playback or recording.
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