Connecting to the web interface of a camera or recorder
This document applies to Gigamedia or UNIVIEW cameras and recorders.
- Have a computer connected to the same network as the device (example: on the same switch or on the same box)
- Identify the brand of the device (Gigamedia or UNIVIEW)
- Make sure your computer has Internet Explorer (browser that best supports plugins) if you do not have it please activate it in Microsoft EDGE (see the following link: )
Find a device’s IP Address
For Gigamedia products
To find the IP address from the computer you need the Device Config Tool software to be able to find it
Link to the software:
This software makes it possible to find the address and information of all Gigamedia devices (recorder and camera) connected to this network.
It may be that your device is not detected immediately (if for example you have just turned it on and the device is still initializing) to find it. It will be necessary to press the Search button to refresh the page. To be able to access the web interface of your device you can either write its IP address on a web page or click on the IP address.
For UNIVIEW products
To find the IP address you need EZTools software
Link to the software:
Just like the Gigamedia software, it allows you to find all the addresses of Uniview devices
To be able to refresh the page you must click on the refresh button. To access the web interface you can use the IP address or click on the Internet Explorer logo
Interface WEB
It may happen when you enter the IP address you fall on the next page
In this case it means that your computer is not on the same network so you need to change the IP address of your computer
Changing the computer's IP address
First you need to access the control panel.
Then select Network and Sharing Center
Then select your relevant Ethernet network
Go to Properties
And double click on "Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4)" (be careful to click on the text and not on the checkbox)
Then switch to "Use the following IP address:" and set an address similar to that of the device (in the example if below the device has as address ), be careful to define a "subnet mask" before validating, then click on the ok button to close all open tabs.
Reload your web page; the home page of your device should be displayed :
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