How to Connect an Alarm Input Device to a Uniview NVR?

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How to Connect an Alarm Input Device to a

Uniview NVR?

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Step 1 Cable connection

The positive pole/Signal wire of the alarm input device is connected to the ALM IN port on the NVR. The negative pole/Ground wire of the alarm input device is connected to the G port on the NVR


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Step 2 :

Set up input parameters of the alarm under Setup> Alarm>Alarm Input on the NVR’s web interface.

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Alarm Input No.: the alarm input port you are trying to configure. 

A<-1 refers to the NVR’s Alarm Input Port 1, 

A<-2 refers to the NVR’s Alarm Input Port 2, etc.

D1<-1 refers to the D1 camera’s Alarm Input Port 1, 

D3<-2 refers to the D3 camera’s Alarm Input Port 2,

Alarm Input Name: Set a name for it as you wish.

Alarm Type

- N.O. : Normally Open.

- N.C. : Normally Closed.

This needs to be set according to the attributes of the external alarm device.

Alarm Input: Switch to turn this alarm input on or off

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