EZView - Adding NVR or cameras

Modificado el Vie, 12 Ago, 2022 a 4:37 P. M.


Adding Uniview Recorder or cameras on EZview App :


To add the recorder to the EZcloud mobile app:

1. Scan the QR in the recorder interface

- Go to the interface, via Internet Explorer as below, or on the monitor plugged to hdmi.

- Settings

- Network information, EZcloud 




2. Install EZview on your smartphone, Apple or google.

3. In the mobile app go to the top left Menu to add the devices.

In the order below from left to right.





It is possible that the application asks to use a strong password 8 characters, capital, symbol

You must set a strong password on the NVR user.

To change it, via the interface, go to user settings.

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