Access Control : How to RESET control unit with SW1 & SW2 buttons ?

Ändrad den Tors, 30 dec., 2021 vid 3:30 E.M.

SW1 to erase memory of the control unit :

- Power off the control Unit.  

- Hold SW1 Swtich while restoring Power.  

- Wait for the blue LED on the expansion bus to light up (approximately 10 seconds) while holding the switch down.

- Release SW1

SW2 to restore factory network settings (IP address :, mask 

- Power off the control Unit.   

- Keep the switch pressed while turning the power back on.


- To configure the control unit with a fixed IP address, release the switch at the first flash of the extension bus LED (about 5 seconds).

To configure the control unit in DHCP mode, wait for the second flash of the extension bus LED (approximately 5 seconds after the first flash).

Release SW2 

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