Upgrading GIGAMEDIA recorders (manually)
To proceed with the update you need the update file for this you need 3 pieces of information:
- The type of recorder
- The hardware version
- The software version
To retrieve certain information you will need to open the system information and for this if you go through a computer you will have to go to remote setting then information and on a screen connected directly to a recorder you will find it by clicking on the logo in the shape of an “I” at the bottom of the screen (display on a bar at the bottom of the screen by right-clicking or by moving your smile down)
Example :
Type of recorder
We have two types of recorder which are AHD recorders and NVR recorders which differ with their type of cameras connectors or their references
The AHD recorders or analog recorders have BNC or coaxial type connectors and have a reference starting with CCAHxx
Link for AHD recorders: https://support.gigamedia.net/en/support/solutions/articles/44001819672-firmware-gigamedia-ahd-recorders
NVR or IP recorders have Ethernet or RJ45 connectivity and have a reference starting with NVR or KITIPxx
Link for NVR Recorders: https://support.gigamedia.net/en/support/solutions/articles/44001819827-firmware-gigamedia-recorders-nvr
Hardware Version
This information allows you to determine on which row of the table you will find your update, if more than one row has your hardware version, please use your product part number
Software Version
On the software version, 2 information will interest us the first and the update version and the update release date (here V8.2.4.1 and 2024/03/14 see image in requirements)
Download and Setup
Once on the update site, please compare the information of the software version of your recorder with the one corresponding to the site (in this case here the recorder is at version V8.2.4.1 released on 2024/03/14 while on the site we are at version V8.2.3 released on 2023/02/17), if the information of your device is the same or better than the one displayed on the site then your device is up to date otherwise Please click on the corresponding download link.
When you have downloaded the update file of your recorder you will have to unzip it (the method changes depending on your computer on windows 11 you can do it without software on windows 10 you will need a software like winrar or 7zip on the image below you have the method for both software)
Example :
Unzip and copy the file into USB Key
Then you can proceed with the update by going through the configure Menu -> System -> Maintenance and Ppdate. All you have to do is select your update file and validate
On a computer the principle remains the same, you have to go to remote Setting -> System -> Maintenance and Upgrade
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