Issues related to PLAYBACK (Push Notification or Playback function)
This problem happens regularly when your recorder is not at the same time as the phone or when the same type of recording is not activated (for example with the notification on motion detection if you try to view the recording from the notifications it will show you "no file found").
Please check the following parameters from the recorder:
Check if the time is set correctly.
From the configuration menu you need to access the system setting
In the general settings in Date and Time check that NTP is chosen and entered if necessary the current time and date.
Be careful, however, if the current time period is in summer time please activate the DST to avoid any disturbance during a time change
Check if motion recording is enabled
Go to the Record menu and in the recording schedule tab you will find a table that by default is set to Normal (continuous recording), please click on movement and select the period that interests you (you can hold the click and move the smile to select several "click and drag" boxes) once configure press the record button and you can use the copy button to transpose your Configuration on other cameras
Then you must go to channel and then to the motion tab to make sure that motion detection is activated on your cameras and then apply
Enable push alarm
To do this you must go to Alarm then to Alarm Schedule, you must then select "Push" then check that the table is green (meaning that it is activated) apply if necessary then copy the configuration on the other cameras
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