GGM KITIP24xx-48xx - How to use RTSP Protocol of your recorder

Ändrad den Tis, 4 juli, 2023 vid 10:32 F.M.

How to use RTSP Protocol of your recorder ?

Valid for those references :

  • GGM NVRL0104 
  • GGM NVRL0104P
  • GGM NVRL0108P 
  • GGM NVRE0104P
  • GGM NVRE0108P


  1. What is the RTSP Protocol ?
  2. How to find RTSP command of your recorder ?
  3. How to read RTSP Stream with an application (Example : VLC Media Player)


  1. What is the RTSP Protocol ?


RTSP Protocol (Real Time Streaming Protocol) is used to send audio or video live from one device to another.

RTSP Command is a specific address given by your recorder.

Example : rtsp://


  1. How to find RTSP command of your recorder ?

Go to the Main Menu, then Setup/Network then General and RTSP :

Warning: Depending on the model and generation of recorder, the address of the RTSP stream may change.

Model before 2023:

Instruction :


A: 01(ch1), 02(ch2)..

B: 0(Main Stream), 1 (Sub Stream) 

Example : 

rtsp:// for the Main Stream of the Camera 1

rtsp:// for the Sub Stream of your camera 2



Model after 2023 : 

Une image contenant capture d’écran, texte, logiciel, Logiciel multimédia

Description générée automatiquement


Instruction :


A: 01(ch1), 02(ch2)..

B: 0(Main Stream), 1 (Sub Stream) 

Example : 

rtsp:// ?channel=01&subtype=0

 for the Main Stream of the camera 1


rtsp:// ?channel=02&subtype=1

for the Sub Strem of the camera 2


How to read RTSP Stream with an application (Example : VLC Media Player) 

Open your specific application to open a Network Stream.

In this case here, we use VLC Media Player Program.

Go to Media / Open a Network Stream …



Fill in the RTSP address of your camera  :

Example : rtsp://

rtsp:// ?channel=01&subtype=0


If necessary, you need to be identify

Stream is instantly displayed.

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