[GGM GS200 Range] - How to create MAC address-based Vlan

Gewijzigd op Do, 4 Aug, 2022 om 3:01 PM

What is a Vlan :

A virtual local area network, called VLAN (Virtual LAN), is an independent logical computer network. Managed switches allow you to configure several VLANs on the same switch in order to effectively separate the different cohabiting flows on modern IP networks. 




Interests of VLAN :

The use of VLANs will bring you many advantages, such as: improving the management of your network, optimizing the use of available bandwidth, effective separation of IP flows, better security of access, etc…


MAC address-based Vlan :

First of all you have to check which MAC addresses are already active on your switch.




To create a Vlan per MAC address, go to the advanced settings -> MAC Table then press “ADD New Static Entry” button.

You will be able to configure your vlan by adding the MAC addresses and choosing the vlan ID (be careful not to put an address already used. Example: you cannot use the MAC address 33-33-00-00-00- 01 on vlan ID 1 but it can be used on another Vlan ID).

Select the ports linked to the vlan then press the save button.


MAC address base Vlan will appear in Information & Status in this table



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