GGM KITIP24xx-48xx -How to configure SMTP Server

Endret Fri, 3 Nov, 2023 ved 2:31 PM

How to configure SMTP Server

Valid for those references :


  • GGM NVRL0104 
  • GGM NVRL0104P
  • GGM NVRL0108P 
  • GGM NVR0208P
  • GGM NVR0216P
  • GGM NVR02168P
  • GGM NVR8
  • GGM NVR16
  • GGM NVR32
  • GGM NVRE0104P
  • GGM NVRE0108P



You can receive an email as soon as an alarm is activated in your recorder.


Example : You want to receive an email as soon as motion detection is triggered.



Le SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is the standard protocol for email services on a TCP/IP network. SMTP provides the ability to send and receive email messages.





Go to Main Menu  then SETUP and SETUP and Choose Email

Fill in your information of your SMTP server or according your provider 

Caution: Ask those informations from your IT administrator or from your provider.

Example : Orange - SMTP Server : and specific Port…

Other Example with Gmail :

Server (smtp) :  

Port : 465

Encryption : SSL / TLS

User Name : Gmail address

Password : Gmail Password

Sender : email header

Receiver1 : Destination email 1

Receiver2 : Destination email 2


SAVE and use Test Email button for Test.



Email Schedule


You need to configure the schedule to fully implement the Email notification


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