What is a Port Mirroring :
Port mirroring, is used on a network switch or router to send a copy of network packets that are visible on specific ports (source ports) to other specific ports (destination ports) .
With port mirroring, packets can be monitored and analyzed. Port mirroring is widely applied, for example, network engineers can use it to analyze, debug data or check errors in their network without affecting the packet processing capabilities of network devices.
Configure port mirroring
To access the mirroring port configuration parameter, go to Port configure then to Mirroring
Mirror Configuration
Allows by selecting a port to receive all reception and transmission from other ports that have a mirror configuration (tx, rx, enable)
Mirror Port Configuration
For this port mirroring you can configure each port and you have four choices to configure them (unless you have activated the port to mirror to indeed the selected port will have the choice either disable or RX only) which are:
- disable (mirror is disable)
- RX only (le mirror captures any receptions of data on the port)
- TX only (le mirror captures any transmissions of data on the port)
- enable (le mirror captures all transmissions and receptions given linked to port)
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