What do the different connectors of my IP camera correspond to?

Gewijzigd op Di, 2 Aug, 2022 om 5:15 PM

Depending on the IP Camera models, in addition to the RJ45, you can find several connectors on the back of your camera.

2 examples 

Most of the time, a small label is positioned for each connector to specify their function : 

- DC 12V : PFor power supply

- Audio IN : Audio Input (female RCA type) - Possibility to add an additional Audio device (Such as : Microphone)

- Audio OUT : Audio Output (Female RCA type) - Possibility to add an additional Audio output device  (example : Speaker)

- Alarm IN / OUT : Alarm input / Output (Terminal block with dry contact) - Example : Use a door contact as Input and activate a siren as output)

- Mini bouton poussoir : Pour effectuer un Reset Caméra (selon le modèle)

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