PPPoE - What is this protocol for? Should I activate it in the recorder?

Gewijzigd op Vr, 15 Jul, 2022 om 4:03 PM

CAUTION : Do not enable PPPoP Protocol if you already have a router/Internet BOX with DHCP

What is PPPoE and how does it work ?

PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) is a transport Protocol for the Internet, which makes it possible to establish a connection between 2 hosts on a point-to-point link.

PPPoE (Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet) is a network protocol used to encapsulate PPP frames in Ethernet frames. It combines the PPP which has the function of authentification and encryption, and the Ethernet protocol which can support multiple users in a LAN.

DHCP and PPPoE are used by Internet Providers for Internet connection.

With PPPoE, a username and password must be created, which will allow authentification on the next connection to the network to obtain an IP address. As for the DHCP, the IP address will be assigned automatically without authentification.

Do not enable PPPoP Protocol if you already have a router/Internet BOX with DHCP 

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