Enable IP Filter

Modificado el Mar, 4 Jul, 2023 a 4:38 P. M.

Valid for the range of GIGAMEDIA IP recorders

Enable IP Filter

In order to enhance the security of access to your GIGAMEDIA recorder, you have the option to filter access through a list of IP addresses to allow or deny connections.

There are 2 possibilities : 

- Enable an authorization list : Only the IP addresses on this list will be able to connect to the recorder

- Enable blockink list : Everyone will be able to connect to the recorder except for the IP addresses on this list.


Go to the Configuration Menu, then Network and select IP Filter


Une image contenant capture d’écran, texte, logiciel, Logiciel multimédia

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Enable Allow List

  • Enable this function
  • Choose Restricted Type : Allow List



You can add a single IP address : 


Une image contenant texte, capture d’écran, logiciel, Logiciel multimédia

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            Or add a Network Segment : 

Une image contenant texte, capture d’écran, logiciel, Logiciel multimédia

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Une image contenant capture d’écran, texte, logiciel, Logiciel multimédia

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Connection via WEB browser : 

Example : My IP address is, I therefore do not have the authorization to connect to the WEB interface of the recorder:


Une image contenant texte, capture d’écran, Police, Marque

Description générée automatiquement

Enable Block List :

  • Enable this function
  • Choose Restricted Type : Block List

Une image contenant texte, capture d’écran, logiciel, Logiciel multimédia

Description générée automatiquement

Connection attempt:

All workstations have authorization to connect, except for my computer


Une image contenant texte, capture d’écran, Police, Marque

Description générée automatiquement

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