TIMELAPSE - How to capture Images at regular intervals

Modificado el Lun, 23 Ene, 2023 a 3:46 P. M.

Enable Capture

Main Menu then Remote Settings / Record and then Capture




  • Choose the camera you want
  • Select Normal Interval for timelaspe
  • Enable Auto Capture






Capture Schedule : 


  • Choose Channel
  • Select « Normal » Mode (green)
  • Choose the schedule you want  (from Sunday to Saturday - 00h00 to Midnight here)




Playback and save images


In playback :

  • Choose type of recording-> Images
  • Choose Date
  • Channel you want

Then SEARCH and download images selected




Using video editing software, stitch your images together in ways to create a video with a certain number of frames/seconds.


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